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Installing Theme

Installing Theme

A step-by-step guide for installing the Plus UI Template. It's recommended to back up your old theme data before installing the new theme. Do…
Split Post - Split Article Into Several Pages

Split Post - Split Article Into Several Pages

Berguna untuk membagi artikel menjadi beberapa halaman Sample…
Meta Tags Settings

Meta Tags Settings

You can change this section or leave it as before, some of these settings will not have much effect on the appearance of your Blog but may have littl…
Tabs Post - Split Article with Tab Function

Tabs Post - Split Article with Tab Function

Anda bisa membagi postingan panjang menjadi beberapa bagia…
SVG Icon Sets

SVG Icon Sets

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How hollywood got multiplayer games all wrong

How hollywood got multiplayer games all wrong

14 uses for gaming laptops. 15 facts about star wars games that will impress your friends. The 5 worst game downloads in history. Why driving games a…
Why mom was right about automotive technicians

Why mom was right about automotive technicians

Why our world would end if automotive tires disappeared. Why the next 10 years of car batteries will smash the last 10. The 15 worst automotive museu…