LabelsGuy McPherson
Atlantic ocean heat threatens to unleash methane eruptions

Atlantic ocean heat threatens to unleash methane eruptions

The image below shows that the monthly Atlantic surface temperature anomaly in February 2024 was 1.176°C when compared to a 1951-1980 base. [ click o…
Temperature rise - September 2023 and beyond

Temperature rise - September 2023 and beyond

The above image, adapted from NASA  and the image below, adapted from Climate Reanalyzer  and using the same baseline, illustrate the September 2023…
High Wet Bulb Globe Temperatures hit the US again

High Wet Bulb Globe Temperatures hit the US again

Temperatures are high Globally, temperatures have been at record high levels for the time of year for some time in 2023, as illustrated by the image …
Two Tipping Points

Two Tipping Points

The image below, adapted from Climate Reanalyzer, shows that the World Sea Surface Temperature (60°South - 60°North) was at a record high of 21.1°C o…
Wet Bulb Globe Temperature Tipping Point

Wet Bulb Globe Temperature Tipping Point

High Wet Bulb Globe Temperatures (WBGT) are forecast to hit Louisiana, United States, over the next few days. The image below shows a forecast for Au…