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Greenhouse gas levels keep rising at accelerating rates

Greenhouse gas levels keep rising at accelerating rates

At the Paris Agreement in 2015, politicians pledged to limit the global temperature rise from pre-industrial levels to 1.5°C and promised to stop ri…
Top 20 Beautiful Box-Shadow CSS

Top 20 Beautiful Box-Shadow CSS

CSS is the language developers use to fashion a website. It controls how HTML elements are displayed on a screen, on paper, or in some other shape of…
Methane and the mass extinction of species

Methane and the mass extinction of species

by Andrew Glikson “The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively …
Arctic Ocean invaded by hot, salty water

Arctic Ocean invaded by hot, salty water

Sea surface temperatures on the Northern Hemisphere have been rising dramatically over the years, as illustrated by above image, indicating that …
Top 7 Stylish Button Using HTML-CSS for Your Website

Top 7 Stylish Button Using HTML-CSS for Your Website

Hey dear blog reader, are you searching out the first-rate call-to-action button design in your internet site and applications? if yes, then you defi…
How to Align Two div Side by Side (Top 5 Method)

How to Align Two div Side by Side (Top 5 Method)

Dear blog reader, today we will be talking about "How to align two div side by side". In HTML, there are styles of elements inline and bloc…