
Popular UI All Style (Typography, Elements, Gallery, etc)

Popular UI All Style (Typography, Elements, Gallery, etc)
Popular UI All Style (Typography, Elements, Gallery, etc)


Table of Content

Classic Syntax Highlighter

You can add class to display what kind of code it is.

If you click on the below code here button, you will get the code for creating 'Classic Syntax Highlighter'
Code Here


1) Fill

Also Read: Popular UI Blogger Template Table of Content

2) Outline

3) Rounded

If you click on the below code here button, you will get the code for creating 'Button'
Code Here

Note Box

This feature serves to add important info, warning sentences or highlight sentences, there are two styles that you can try including :

If you click on the below code here button, you will get the code for creating 'Note Box'
Code Here

Also Read: Popular UI Blogger Template Safelink Page


1) Default

This powerful blockquote by Winston Churchill reminds us that success and failure are not permanent states but rather fleeting moments in our journey. Success should not lead to complacency, and failure should not discourage us from trying again..

2) With Author

The true measure of our character lies in our ability to persevere, to pick ourselves up after setbacks, and to keep moving forward with courage and determination. It is through this relentless pursuit of our goals that we pave the way to lasting accomplishments and personal growth.
@MD Abu Sufian

If you click on the below code here button, you will get the code for creating 'Blockquote'
Code Here


Hide or reveal contents. Very common in FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) section.

If you click on the below code here button, you will get the code for creating 'Accordion'
Code Here

Also Read: How to use Table


APopular UI blogger theme refers to a specific type of blog design and layout that focuses on topics related to popular user interface (UI) trends, techniques, and examples. This theme is tailored to showcase and discuss UI designs that are currently popular and widely used in various industries.

If you click on the below code here button, you will get the code for creating 'Dropcaps'
Code Here


If you click on the below code here button, you will get the code for creating 'Table'
Code Here


Lazy load YouTube video will make your pages lighter.

If you click on the below code here button, you will get the code for creating 'YouTube video'
Code Here

Also Read: How to use the Classic Syntax Highlighter
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