Crafting an engaging and informative "About Us" page is essential for any website or blog. It enables you to introduce yourself or your brand, establish credibility, and connect with your audience. If you're utilizing the Plus UI Blogger theme, this article will provide you with a step-by-step process to create an impressive "About Us" page that seamlessly integrates with your theme.
Accessing your Blogger Dashboard
To begin, log in to your Blogger account and navigate to the dashboard of your blog. The dashboard is where you can manage various aspects of your blog.
Adding a New Page
On the left sidebar of your Blogger dashboard, locate and click on the "Pages" option. This action will take you to the Pages screen, which allows you to manage your existing pages. To create a new "About Us" page, click on the "New Page" button.
Title and Content
In the new page editor, you will find a field labeled "Title." Enter a suitable title for your page, such as "About Us" or "Our Story." This title will be displayed both on the page itself and in the navigation menu.
Add Page Content
Now copy below code one by one and paste it inside your post editor.
<!--[ About Author ]--> <div class="aboutAuthor"> <div class="aboutCont"> <!--[ Author Profile Picture, Recommended Sizes: 1280px x 1280px, 720px x 720px below 30KB for fast loading, use transparent picture ]--> <img alt="alt_here" src="YOUR IMAGE URL" /> <!--[ Author Description ]--> <p> WRITE AUTHOR DESCRIPTION HERE </p> <div class="athrBtn"> <a class="button" href="WRITE YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA PROFILE LINK" target="_blank" > <!--[ Button SVG ]--> <svg class="line" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <g transform="translate(5.000000, 2.400000)"> <path d="M6.84454545,19.261909 C3.15272727,19.261909 -8.52651283e-14,18.6874153 -8.52651283e-14,16.3866334 C-8.52651283e-14,14.0858516 3.13272727,11.961909 6.84454545,11.961909 C10.5363636,11.961909 13.6890909,14.0652671 13.6890909,16.366049 C13.6890909,18.6658952 10.5563636,19.261909 6.84454545,19.261909 Z" /> <path d="M6.83729838,8.77363636 C9.26002565,8.77363636 11.223662,6.81 11.223662,4.38727273 C11.223662,1.96454545 9.26002565,-1.0658141e-14 6.83729838,-1.0658141e-14 C4.41457111,-1.0658141e-14 2.45,1.96454545 2.45,4.38727273 C2.44184383,6.80181818 4.39184383,8.76545455 6.80638929,8.77363636 C6.81729838,8.77363636 6.82729838,8.77363636 6.83729838,8.77363636 Z" /> </g> </svg> <!--[ Button Text ]--> Author Profile </a> </div> </div> </div> <h3 class="statsHeading"> <!--[ Stats Heading ]--> Blog Stats </h3> <!--[ Website Statistics ]--> <div class="statsWebsite"> <!--[ Page Views Count ]--> <div class="statsCont"> <div class="stats"> <div class="statsName"> <!--[ Change SVG Icon ]--> <svg class="line" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <g transform="translate(2.000000, 4.000000)"> <path d="M13.1643,8.0521 C13.1643,9.7981 11.7483,11.2141 10.0023,11.2141 C8.2563,11.2141 6.8403,9.7981 6.8403,8.0521 C6.8403,6.3051 8.2563,4.8901 10.0023,4.8901 C11.7483,4.8901 13.1643,6.3051 13.1643,8.0521 Z" ></path> <path d="M0.7503,8.0521 C0.7503,11.3321 4.8923,15.3541 10.0023,15.3541 C15.1113,15.3541 19.2543,11.3351 19.2543,8.0521 C19.2543,4.7691 15.1113,0.7501 10.0023,0.7501 C4.8923,0.7501 0.7503,4.7721 0.7503,8.0521 Z" ></path> </g> </svg> <!--[ Stats Name ]--> Total Visits </div> <div class="statsNumber v"> <!--[ Posts Number (automatically updates) ]--> <span class="pu-views" data-id="WebsiteStats" data-text="0"></span> </div> </div> </div> <!--[ Posts Number ]--> <div class="statsCont"> <div class="stats"> <div class="statsName"> <!--[ Change SVG Icon ]--> <svg class="line" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <g transform="translate(2.000000, 2.000000)"> <path d="M10.0002,0.7501 C3.0632,0.7501 0.7502,3.0631 0.7502,10.0001 C0.7502,16.9371 3.0632,19.2501 10.0002,19.2501 C16.9372,19.2501 19.2502,16.9371 19.2502,10.0001" /> <path d="M17.5285,2.3038 L17.5285,2.3038 C16.5355,1.4248 15.0185,1.5168 14.1395,2.5098 C14.1395,2.5098 9.7705,7.4448 8.2555,9.1578 C6.7385,10.8698 7.8505,13.2348 7.8505,13.2348 C7.8505,13.2348 10.3545,14.0278 11.8485,12.3398 C13.3435,10.6518 17.7345,5.6928 17.7345,5.6928 C18.6135,4.6998 18.5205,3.1828 17.5285,2.3038 Z" /> <line x1="13.009" y1="3.8008" x2="16.604" y2="6.9838" /> </g> </svg> <!--[ Stats Name ]--> Posts </div> <div class="statsNumber p">0</div> </div> </div> <!--[ Comments Number ]--> <div class="statsCont"> <div class="stats"> <div class="statsName"> <!--[ Change SVG Icon ]--> <svg class="line" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <g transform="translate(2.000000, 2.000000)"> <line x1="13.9394" y1="10.413" x2="13.9484" y2="10.413"></line> <line x1="9.9304" y1="10.413" x2="9.9394" y2="10.413"></line> <line x1="5.9214" y1="10.413" x2="5.9304" y2="10.413" /> <path d="M17.0710351,17.0698449 C14.0159481,20.1263505 9.48959549,20.7867004 5.78630747,19.074012 C5.23960769,18.8538953 1.70113357,19.8338667 0.933341969,19.0669763 C0.165550368,18.2990808 1.14639409,14.7601278 0.926307229,14.213354 C-0.787154393,10.5105699 -0.125888852,5.98259958 2.93020311,2.9270991 C6.83146881,-0.9756997 13.1697694,-0.9756997 17.0710351,2.9270991 C20.9803405,6.8359285 20.9723008,13.1680512 17.0710351,17.0698449 Z" /> </g> </svg> <!--[ Stats Name ]--> Comments </div> <div class="statsNumber c">0</div> </div> </div> </div>
<style> /* To change Header Subtitle */ .headH .headSub{ max-width:none } .headH .headSub::before{ content:"About" } /* About Author CSS */ .aboutAuthor{ padding:60px 0 20px 0 } .aboutAuthor .aboutCont{ justify-content:center; position:relative; display:flex; max-width:95%; margin:auto; padding:80px 30px 95px 30px; background-color:#fff; box-shadow:0 10px 40px rgba(149,157,165,.2); border-radius:20px } .aboutAuthor .aboutCont img{ box-shadow:0 5px 20px rgba(0,0,0,.2); padding:0; border:7px solid #fff; width:120px; height:120px; position:absolute; border-radius:50%; top:-60px; pointer-events:none } .aboutAuthor .aboutCont p{ margin:0; text-align:center; font-family:var(--fontBa) } .drK .aboutAuthor .aboutCont{ background:var(--darkBs); box-shadow:0 10px 40px rgba(0,0,0,.2) } .drkM .aboutAuthor .aboutCont img{ background-image:linear-gradient(to top right,#363636,#717171); border-color:#fff; box-shadow:0 10px 40px rgba(0,0,0,.2) } .drK .aboutAuthor .aboutCont img{ border-color:var(--darkBs); box-shadow:0 10px 40px rgba(0,0,0,.2) } /* About Author Button */ .aboutAuthor .aboutCont .athrBtn{ text-align:center; position:absolute; bottom:0; left:0; right:0 } .aboutAuthor .aboutCont .athrBtn .button{ border-radius:50px; margin:0 0 30px } .aboutAuthor .aboutCont .athrBtn .button svg{ stroke:var(--darkT); margin-right:5px } /* Website Stats */ .statsHeading{ text-align:center } .statsWebsite{ display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap; flex-direction:column; margin:12px auto } .statsCont{ background-color:#fff; display:flex; justify-content:center; padding:8px; width:95%; margin:12px auto; box-shadow:0 5px 20px rgba(149,157,165,.2); border-radius:20px } .statsCont .stats{ height:80px; width:200px; display:flex; align-items:center; justify-content:center; flex-direction:column; margin:0 35px } .statsCont .statsName{ display:inline-flex; align-items:center; font-size:16px; font-family:var(--fontBa) } .statsCont .statsName svg{ margin-right:7px } .statsCont .statsNumber{ font-family:var(--fontB); font-size:30px; margin-top:6px; font-weight:normal } .statsNumber.v >span::before{ content:attr(data-text) } .drK .statsCont{ background-color:var(--darkBs); box-shadow:0 5px 20px rgba(0,0,0,.2) } @media screen and (min-width:641px){ .aboutAuthor .aboutCont{ max-width:97% } .statsWebsite{ flex-direction:row } .statsCont{ max-width:46%; margin:12px } } /* To change Profile background */ /* Light Mode */ .aboutAuthor .aboutCont img{ background-color:#ffeaef } /* Dark Mode */ .drK .aboutAuthor .aboutCont img{ background-image:linear-gradient(to top right,#363636,#717171) } /*]]>*/ </style>
<script> function statsPst(json){var el = qSel('.statsNumber.p');el.innerHTML = '' + parseInt(json.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t,10) + ''}; function statsCmt(json){var el = qSel('.statsNumber.c');el.innerHTML = '' + parseInt(json.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t,10) + ''}; if(isPrivateBlog!='true'){ Defer.js(blogUrl+'feeds/posts/default?alt=json-in-script&callback=statsPst', 'sts-pst'); Defer.js(blogUrl+'feeds/comments/default?alt=json-in-script&callback=statsCmt', 'sts-cmt'); }; </script>
Publishing the Page
Once you have finalized the content, click the "Publish" button to make your "About Us" page visible on your blog. Congratulations! You have successfully created your page.
Developing an engaging "About Us" page is a critical component of building a successful blog or website. With the Plus UI Blogger theme, creating a visually appealing and seamlessly integrated "About Us" page becomes effortless. By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this guide, you can introduce your brand, share your story, and establish a meaningful connection with your audience. So, go ahead, create your compelling "About Us" page, and let your blog's personality shine through!
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