
How to Install Anti-Adblock Script In Blogger

Hello Friends, Welcome to Blog Bracket. Today, I am going to explain how you can add Anti AdBlocker to your Blogger Website. Anti AdBlocker is necessary to put on your website if you want to protect and maximize your earnings.

What is an AdBlocker?

Adblocker is a script or application that prevents ads from loading on websites. the person uses adblocker so that commercials do now not load at the internet site and net intake reduces that so websites hundreds quicker.

Some useful AdBlocker

Here is a list of Adblocker which is mostly used by a user on their devices.
  1. Adguard
  2. Adblocker Ultimate
  3. AdBlock
  4. Brave Browser for PC & Mobile

How do AdBlockers affect the website owners?

While a consumer uses an adblocker in the browser to stop the advertisements from loading, it decreases internet site owners' income. if the website had placed commercials on his internet site for his earnings and the user uses adblocker then the ads will not load and the website proprietor will no longer get the impressions and clicks on the advertisements. 
This is very painful while an author does a lot of hard work to offer content to his customers and in going back, he does not get something. 

This is why website owners use anti adblocker on their websites so that users do use adblockers and kill their earnings.
In case you use AdSense in your weblog, you already know that it can pay you for ad impressions and clicks. suppose a person makes use of an adblocker chrome extension. In that case, those advertisements will be prevented from loading on that web page. as a result, no ads can be displayed to customers, and you will no longer take advantage of their visits.

How to add Anti Adblocker Script to the Blogger website?
Let's see how you can add Anti AdBlocker Script on the Blogger website. The Best way to Install Anti Adblock Script In Blogger is to follow the given below steps and do it.

Scroll down to the bottom and get the codes for Anti AdBlocker Script

Instructions to implement the code are given in the downloaded file.
  1. Go to Blogger Dashboard
  2. Then go to Theme > Edit HTML
  3. And Follow the below instructions.

Get the Codes for Anti AdBlocker script on Blogger Website.

Step 1: Add this css before </style>
.popSc .popBo{position:relative;background:#fff;max-width:400px;display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center;flex-direction:column;padding:30px;border-radius:30px}
.popSc .popBo svg{display:block;width:50px;height:50px;fill:none !important;stroke:#08102b;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:1.5}
.popSc .popBo h2{margin:10px 0 15px 0;font-size:1.2rem;font-weight:800;color:#08102b}
.popSc .popBo p{margin:0;line-height:1.7em;font-size:0.9rem;color:#08102b}
.darkMode .popSc{background:#1f1f1f}
.darkMode .popSc .popBo{background:#2c2d31}
.darkMode .popSc .popBo svg{stroke:#fefefe}
.darkMode .popSc .popBo p, .darkMode .popSc .popBo  h2{color:#fefefe}
Step 2: Add this HTML before </body>
<div class='popSc hidden' id='antiAdBlock'>
  <div class='popBo'>
    <svg viewBox='0 0 24 24' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><circle cx='12' cy='12' r='10'/><line x1='12' x2='12' y1='8' y2='12'/><line x1='12' x2='12.01' y1='16' y2='16'/></svg>
    <h2>Ad-Blocker Detected!</h2>
    <p>Sorry, we detected that you have activated Ad-Blocker.<br/>Please consider supporting us by disabling your Ad-Blocker, it helps us in developing this Website.<br/>Thank you!</p>
Step 3: Add this JS just after the Above HTML
<script>/*<![CDATA[*/ /* Anti Ad-Blocker Script by Fineshop (Lazyload) */ var lazyAnti=!1;window.addEventListener("scroll",function(){(0!=document.documentElement.scrollTop&&!1===lazyAnti||0!=document.body.scrollTop&&!1===lazyAnti)&&(!function(){var antiAdBlock=document.querySelector("#antiAdBlock");var e=document.createElement("script");e.type="text/javascript",e.async=!0,e.src="https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js";e.onerror=function(){if(antiAdBlock!=null){antiAdBlock.classList.remove("hidden");window.lazyAnti=!0}};var a=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];a.parentNode.insertBefore(e,a)}(),lazyAnti=!0)},!0); /*]]>*/</script>

Video Tutorial

Content Creator, Graphic Designer, Front-end Developer
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