What are Cookies?
- First-party cookies are created by means of the website you visit. the website online is proven inside the deal with bar.
- Third-party cookies are created via different websites. those websites own a number of the content material, like commercials or snapshots, which you see on the webpage you visit.
How to add Cookie Consent Notice?
Before we start adding codes in XML, I will recommend you to take a Backup of your current theme.
Step 01: First of all Login to your Blogger Dashboard.
Step 02: On Blogger Dashboard, click Theme.
Step 03: Click the next to 'customize' button.
Step 04: Click Edit HTML you will be redirected to editing page.
Step 05: Now search the code ]]></b:skin>
paste the following CSS codes just above to it.
/* Cookies Consent Notice */ .ckWrap{position:fixed;right:20px;left:20px; margin-bottom: 80px; bottom:-600px;z-index:10;padding:20px;background:rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);-webkit-backdrop-filter:blur(10px);backdrop-filter:blur(10px);border-radius:30px 30px;box-shadow:0 -10px 25px -5px rgba(0,0,0,.1);align-items:center;justify-content:center;text-align:left;animation:ckUp 2.5s forwards;animation-delay:1s;-webkit-animation:ckUp 2.5s forwards;-webkit-animation-delay:1s} .ckWrap.acptd{animation:ckDn 2.5s backwards;animation-delay:.3s;-webkit-animation:ckDn 2.5s backwards;-webkit-animation-delay:.3s} .ckWrap.hidden{display:none} .ckCont h2{margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 1.1rem; font-weight: 700; font-family: var(--fontCo);} .ckCont h2::after {content: ''; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; width: var(--widgetTa); margin: 0 10px; border-bottom: 1px solid var(--widgetTac); opacity: .5;} .ckCont p{margin:10px 0;line-height:1.4rem;color:#08102b;font-size: 14px;font-weight:400;font-family: var(--fontCo);} .ckF{margin-top: 15px; display: flex; justify-content: center;} .ckB {display: inline-flex; align-items: center; cursor: pointer; padding: 10px 15px; outline: 0; border: 0; border-radius: var(--buttonR); line-height: 20px; color: rgba(0,0,0,.8); background: #e9e9e9; font-size: 14px; font-family: var(--fontB); white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden;} .ckF >*:first-child {margin-right: 10px; border-radius: 8px; background: var(--linkB); color: #fffdfc;} .ckF >*:last-child {flex: 0 0 auto; border-radius: 8px;} .ckF >* {flex-grow: 1; justify-content: center;} @media screen and (min-width:768px){.ckWrap{max-width:400px; left: 20px; right: 20px; margin-bottom:20px; border-radius:10px; bottom:-600px;box-shadow:0 5px 35px rgba(0,0,0,.1);animation:ckdeskUp 2.5s forwards;animation-delay:1s;-webkit-animation:ckdeskUp 2.5s forwards;-webkit-animation-delay:1s}.ckWrap.acptd{animation:ckdeskDn 2.5s backwards;animation-delay:.3s;-webkit-animation:ckdeskDn 2.5s backwards;-webkit-animation-delay:0.3s}} @-webkit-keyframes ckUp{100%{bottom:0}} @keyframes ckUp{100%{bottom:0}} @-webkit-keyframes ckdeskUp{100%{bottom:30px}} @keyframes ckdeskUp{100%{bottom:30px}} @-webkit-keyframes ckDn{0%{bottom:0}100%{bottom:-600px}} @keyframes ckDn{0%{bottom:0}100%{bottom:-600px}} @-webkit-keyframes ckdeskDn{0%{bottom:30px}100%{bottom:-600px}} @keyframes ckdeskDn{0%{bottom:30px}100%{bottom:-600px}} .darkMode .ckWrap{background:rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.8)} .darkMode .ckCont h2, .darkMode .ckCont p, .darkMode{color:#fefefe}
Step 06: We have to disable default Cookie Notice by Blogger, so add the following JavaScript Codes just above to </head>
<script>/*<![CDATA[*/ /* Disable default Blogger cookie notice */ cookieChoices = {}; /*]]>*/</script>
Step 07: Now add the following JavaScript Code just above to </body>
tag. If you don't find it, it is probably already parsed which is </body>
<script>/*<![CDATA[*/ /* Cookies Consent Notice */ var ckBox=document.querySelector("#ckBox"),ckAcptBtn=document.querySelector("#ckAcptBtn"),ckErrMes="Cookie can't be set! Please unblock this site from the cookie setting of your browser.";if(null!=ckBox){ckAcptBtn.onclick=()=>{document.cookie="CookieConsentByFineshop=Accepted; max-age=2592000; path=/",document.cookie?ckBox.classList.add("acptd"):alert(ckErrMes)};let e=document.cookie.indexOf("CookieConsentByFineshop=Accepted");-1!=e?ckBox.classList.add("hidden"):ckBox.classList.remove("hidden")} /*]]>*/</script>
Step 08: Save the changes by clicking on this icon
Step 09: Then go to Layout Menu.
Step 10: Create a gadget by clicking on Add a Gadget and choose HTML/Javascript.
Step 10: Paste the following HTML Codes in it.
<!--[ Cookies Consent Notice ]--> <div class='ckWrap hidden' id='ckBox'> <div class='ckCont'> <!--[ Cookies Notice Heading ]--> <h2>Cookies Consent</h2> <!--[ Cookies Notice Detail ]--> <p>We serve cookies on this site to analyze traffic, remember your preferences, and optimize your experience.</p> </div> <div class='ckF'> <button class='ckB' id='ckAcptBtn'>Accept Cookies!</button> <a class='ckB' href='https://policies.google.com/technologies/cookies'>Learn More</a> </div> </div>
Step 12: Finally, save the changes by clicking on this icon
That's done! Now your website will show a pop-up with Accept all! and Learn More Buttons regarding Cookies.
Video Tutorial
Want to see it working? You can check / view Cookie Consent Notice Widget Style before you apply it on your Blogger Website. Let's have a look at it!
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